interested in licensing?

License a design from hufton studio.

If you would like to chat about an idea or up coming project that you would love to license my art for, please get in touch!!

fill out the short form to start the process.

licensing enquiry form

I am also happy to discuss collaborations, commissions or freelance opportunities to work with you to bring your vision to life and create new designs especially for you & your brand.


This licence allows you to use one of my designs in the production of goods and sell the finished product. I will hold the copyright of the design and the design will continue to be available for other companies to use concurrently through a non-exclusive license. People will be able to purchase the design from websites it is listed (i.e. Society6 and Spoonflower) and print the design onto their own products.

To enquire about non-exclusive licensing with Hufton Studio please complete this short LICENSING ENQUIRY FORM


The Exclusive Licensing Agreement will set out agreed upon terms for the use of the design. This provides you with exclusive use of the design for a certain period. This agreement will be entered into prior to us beginning work on the design. During the license period, I will continue to keep all usage rights over the design where use is for a purpose not outlined in the agreement.

Note that I will continue to hold copyright and ownership over the design and any imitative works (e.g if you have exclusively licensed a design in the category of Women’s Apparel, I may also licence the design within a different category such as Stationery or Home Decor).

You will have right to first renewal of the license, however if you do not renew your usage rights then they will vest in myself. I will be able to continue creating other designs with similar content during the licensing period but there is assurance any designs will not conflict.

To enquire about exclusive licensing with Hufton Studio please complete this short LICENSING ENQUIRY FORM


If you would like to chat about an idea or up coming product that you would love my input in then I’d love to hear from you!

Follow MY journey.